Feb 1
good tasting cake decorations?
I am making a cake for Valentines Day and I want to know what are some really delicious icings that I can use on my cake. Its going to be all chocolate I just want to decorate it with few hearts. I tried some icings from the market and it was terrible. Thanks in advance.
Valentine’s Day candy!
Marshmallow hearts (they come in red, pink and white)
Heart shaped chocolate candy
ANY heart shaped candy pressed all over the frosting!
valentine decorations
put white chocolate bars on the cake surface, or chocolate flakes
References :
Go there.^
It has some recipes.
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Valentine’s Day candy!
Marshmallow hearts (they come in red, pink and white)
Heart shaped chocolate candy
ANY heart shaped candy pressed all over the frosting!
References :
I love to use smarties to decorate chocolate cakes
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